Including tablet PCs in 657 mobile devices most of the devices uses Java Runtime to run their applications.
Most of these devices contain new features and inbuilt applications like fastest internet browser, high quality camera options, touch screens and inbuilt Map navigator and so on. After the java platform mobile devices Android system mobile devices get the 2nd place And Nokia S 40 took third place with symbian OS. Nokia introduce 13 new mobile models with symbian operating system. Next Blackberry and iOS took 4th place each of this operating system introduced in 7 new mobile models by Apple and Blackberry. Windows operating system in recent years entered the fifth spot in this category. Samsung introduce their Bada operating system in only one model.
In 2011 based on the mobile phone models rating Max mobile company got first place in introducing large number of new mobile phone models. Max Company introduces 52 new mobile models in Indian mobile market. Fly got the second place in the race it introduces 41 new mobile models including one tablet PC. On next Samsung work hard and successful to stay its 3rd place in mobile. Samsung introduced 39 new mobile phone models in Indian mobile market. And spice also get the same place with introduce 39 new mobile phone models. Videocon and carbon companies took the next spot in the race. Each company introduces 35 new models. And next an Indian company Intex released 26 new mobile models, Intex introduce India’s first ISO Projector mobile phone IN8809. In the 6th place Micromax introduce 23 models. Beetel got the next place with 20 new mobile phone models. LG introduce 17 new mobile phone modes and Onida introduce 16 new models and get the 8th and 9th place respectively.
Nokia released its first dual-SIM phone and it introduces 15 new models. Chinese company huawei also introduce same number of mobile device placed in 10th place.G5 and red companies
Introduce each 14 mobile models. Sony Ericsson introduces 13 mobile phone models. HTC and airphone introduce each 12 mobile models.
Dual SIM, 3G option and average starting price are the primary reasons to sold large number of mobile phones in India. Mobile phone vendors, Starter kit price, dealer’s agreement, sales contract, companies understood that lower price is main Indian customers thought. So that companies introduce many mobile models with low price and get huge profit in India. At the same time with new facilities on the basis of modern technology, smart phone have increased their sales. Mobile phone sales will rise in the year 2012 too. This maximum limits reached in major cities so additional sales expected in secondary cities and rural areas.