Akash tablet of the world's largest low-cost PC debuted in India. Union Minister Kapil Sibal releasing this, these students will be announced in a very low price. It has been marketed commercially for the public. Can register online in advance. Cash on Deliverey. Come who have intrested can be registerd in www.aakashtablet.com , visit the Web site. Price of this tablet as Rs 2,500. The next stage was the highest Ubislate tablet price Rs .2,999. The Ubislate tablet PC, available in the first week of January. Akash tablet PC with the following features.
7-inch Touch Screen recistiv, Wi-fi, USB2.0 Facility, 366MHz + HD video processor speed, 2GB of flash memory, which can increase up to 32 GB memory, 256 MB RAM memory, up to three hours with a movement capacity of 2100 mAh battery as a power supply.
In order for an individual to go to this site, we will answer emails, Ubislate tablet only takes order for the PC. The information will be provided in the first week of January. Akash Tablet PC is probably not to the individual, education and technology would be offered only to students who want to learn.