Tenis company provides Internet security, a new type of virus being spread via Facebook,warned last week. Facebook users are already running on the computer is open to theirattacks akkavunttinai. Message is sent as an image file. In fact, it is not the image. If youclick it,. Scr file with the deputy's name is one thing. Something clicked inside the virus, which enters as a ZeuS crimeware. It is now Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.52856 and Heure: Trojan.Win32.Generic and identified viruses. Click on any image on the site Facebook,which you make from Biel and think about it once before.Altrabook computers in 2012Spoken much about the end of this year teplat PCs, computers, more famous for being the altrapu year 2012.Altrapuk what? Once we have this information already tantiruntom. Given the high publicity given the name of Intel Corporation. This is a laptop computer, but its features are tantullapati below.The thickness of 20 mm (0.8 inches), the optical drive there; files solid state drive is reported be protected, including the 5 and the 7-core processors are used only; Weight 1.4 kilovirkum is low, the battery 5 to 8 hours following the mincaktiyinai valankattakkat be.Lenovo, acus, Acer, HBV Companies have also been produced and sold in Europe and the United States. BC Laptop manufacturers are prepared to operate in all these areas.Sold in 2012 in the category Laptop Computer Intel estimates that 40% altrapu kalakattan computer. This type of computers to compete with Apple's MacBook Air will be.Convenient to carry less weight, less width, length, thickness dimensions of a Sun UltraSPARC computers, where people are more likely to catch.These are done to make computers more like the Mac Air. These links have been created for the 3G and 4G. Sun Ultra case with telecommunications companies and mobile service companies, computer manufacturers have been talking. As the price goes down, Sun UltraSPARC computers, the year 2012 is expected to be the year.