In a corner somewhere in the computer information systems, bus, cinema, game and how to bring the Internet to our computer? Intarnettai the question everyone will be using. If the answers are clear and complete as a condition to continue is questionable. Information on your computer through the internet and see how that s vantataikinrana here.
The Address bar of the browser on the computer emerged as an online drive, Internet connection, type the return address and knocks. Whatever browser you want - Inter Net Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Crazy Browser, Black - whatever that may be. This "client 'called. Currently," the customer would assume. That the customer needs you, that website gives you access to your company's Internet server sends to your request. The server sends it's attached to another server. Table to table to a file in the office, the server sends the same way. Aiespi The request from the server "Very High Speed Network 'in the quickest way. Like this, you type the address to reach the site. The" hosts' If you want to keep. Server that will entertain the request, then you have your own plane traveling the same path as the data packet in packet aiespi Company sends to the server. You have access to the enterprise server and then sends it to your computer. You understand that much to ask. But the matter is not so easy. There are many issues in the matter.
We will send you a web site set up in terms of the address. I do not know the words to a computer? So the only way to give computers to transfer learning to understand language. This protocol allows the algorithm. S between the two computers to exchange information protocol that system is set up. This ticipi, IBM, ectitipi, eptipi, esemtipi, and keep - P (TCPIP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP WiFi) palavakaippatum that. We usually DC-B - IBM It discusses the use of.
Every computer connected to the Internet and an IBM Address is given. It is in this context. Strings of numbers is from 0 to 255. For example, the site www.yahoo.com number of the server is This is a fixed number. When you connect your computer to your Net aiespi You can assign an address number. But it is not stationary. As long as you are on the Internet at the address belongs to you. Delivered an address on the back, while the finish again. Due to a aiespi If you have to connect hundreds of computers at the same time in the nets often are given numbers. These numbers are made up of a set of four digits separated by one point to each number in the series. For example, 123.467.87.23 will be even. Address this important digit. Because remember this address to request that any computer on the Internet, will know that I need to get information from any computer. Ticipi (Transmission Control Protocol) is the method manipulates the information sent. Data into small packets and then recombine them in conjunction to provide the proper function of this pathway. The IP address from where you are sure to reach this information. The combination of these two algorithms ensure data transmission.
Atenna Information Packet?
Internet is "packet svitctu network 'is called. A contrary network" circuit svitctu network' is called. Bring on the link and use the link in the circuit can Network svitctu. Svitctu packet network can be shared, but many hands. At the same time, many requests for information are sent away. They are linked together with the respective location of the destination given to the listener. Each packet will contain information about the 1500 keraktarkal. Been set up in each packet header and dispatches. Packets must be connected to how this will be written in the header. These were combined in the appropriate manner. Let's see an example.Remove the boards together with the open this morning onranmitu vaittituvarkal layer. The right to keep the shop door locks placed on the number or other symbols. Data are deposited in small packets the same way. Computer when they are asked to add one thing. Each hetarilum "checksum '(Checksum) is given a number. Citaramal Neither of these numbers are printed by the Information known to be connected. Ticipi algorithm enables this work.
The first action will come. In terms of numbers that you type the message address of the computer in place and comply with any changes? You type the address with your aiespi Server, "Domain Name Server '(Domain Name Server DNS) that one seeks. The carvare you gave the address of the name of the search word to find the address for the number set up. S.. MONK offers. Then that numerical address based on Internet search, and starting the server occurs. spite of the available information before then.